Real website "coming soon"Hat tip to Jason Sorens for compiling the census data and Mark Warden Porcupine Real Estate for tax rates data.
This is a work in progress, rough draft, suggestions welcome (email admin -at- liberty603 dotcom)
Name | Description |
Tax rates | Map shaded according to tax rates. |
Tax Amounts | Map shaded according to tax amounts. |
Home Prices | Map shaded according to home price index. |
Liberty Businesses | Some liberty businesses and organizations in New Hampshire. |
Ron Paul Voters 2012 | Map shaded according to % of voters for Ron Paul 2012. |
Median Worker Earnings | Map shaded by median earnings. |
Rental Cost | Map shaded by median gross monthly rent amount. |
Population | Shaded by population (2010 census) |
Public Assistance | Percentage of households on public assistance (2010 census) |
Distances and Commuting Times | Map is shaded by average commuting times (census 2010). On hover, driving distances and times are shown (Google Maps). |
Unemployment Rate (2013) | Map is shaded by average unemployment rate, Jan-Dec 2013, per NHES. |
Liberty603 Score |